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مساعدة في تصميم موقع

هذا الموضوع مغلق.
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  • [طلب] مساعدة في تصميم موقع

    طالبة جامعية وعندي هادا المشروع وبدي أي حد عندو فكرة يساعدني فيه لأني شوي عندي ضغط و امتحانات هادا هو الdescription للمشروع

    Courses Registration Website
    In this project, you will build a website that utilizes the concepts that we learned in class (HTML/CSS/********** and PHP).
    Firstly, build the basic structure of your website by making an HTML file that represents your content. The basic contents that are required in any design are the name (or logo) of your website and a navigation menu. The navigation menu should contain links to the following pages:
     Homepage
    which contains description about the services provided by the website.
     Login (optional)
    You can put the login form in this page or you can put it in a side of your homepage.
     Sign up
    This page will contain a form that allows users to sign up in the website.
     About us (training company)
     Contact us
    While building the structure, use CSS to layout your website according to a design of your choice and use ********** to validate input entered in the registration form. You should make validation of the following:
     Check that the length of the username is not less than 3 and is not more than 30.
     Check that the length of the password is not less than 10 and is not more than 30.
    There is one type of users who will use the website: Trainees: people who want to register for offered courses. When they are logged in, the website will allow them to register for courses, view courses that they registered for and unregister from some course.
    Secondly, build a database to store the data of your websites. Basically, you will create tables to store the following information:
     Users information
     Courses information
     Course registration information (which user registered for which course)
    Each course should have a limit. If number of trainees registered for a course exceeds the limit, this course should become unavailable for other trainees.
    Finally, use PHP to connect to your database and perform the operations required (login, sign up, register for course, etc.) You should allow the trainees to search for a specific course.
    Bonus: Suggest courses for users based on their specialty or interests.

  • #2
    رد: مساعدة في تصميم موقع

    اخي لنكن صريحين, لن يقوم احد بحل ما عليك من واجبات.

    ولكن يمكنك ان تبدأ العمل في المشروع وطلب المساعدة عندما تجد مشكلة فيه.

    اعتقد ان جزء هتمل سهل, لم لا تجهز كل صفحات الهتمل اولا ولو بشكل مبدئي؟؟

    يمكنني مساعدتك في html وجزئيا بphp ولكن لا فكرة لدي عن css للاسف ولا جافا سكربت.
    ولكن ربما هناك اعضاء غيري يعرفون


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