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سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من النوادر

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  • سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من النوادر

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين وخاتم النبيين محمد المصطفى الامين

    قسم المرئيات والصوتيات الاسلامية


    سور من القران الكريم

    بصوت الشيخ المرحوم

    *·~-.¸¸,.-~*محمد البراااااااااااك*·~-.¸¸,.-~*

    تلاوة عذبة ، وخشوع بالقراءة ، وبكاء بالتلاوة

    الدقة ممتازة جداااااااا

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    رفعت سور القران الكريم على موقع
    zSHARE keeps you up-to date with the latest news and current events.

    وهو سهل التحميل منه وبتقدرو تسمعوا التلاوة مباشرة كمان من نفس الموقع


    سورة يوسف
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة يس
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة نوح
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة قريش
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة عبس
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الهمزة
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة النصر
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة النبأ
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الناس
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة النازعات
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الملك
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة المعارج
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة المطفيين
    E-readers really changed the game for reading on the go. As technology expanded, book lovers can now access digital copies of their favorite novels from almost any device. Even with e-readers, reading remained one of the things you could not do while driving. While audiobooks are not new, they only became popular in the late

    سورة المسد
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة المزمل
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة المرسلات
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الماعون
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الليل
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الكوثر
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الكافرون
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة القيامة
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة القلم
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة القدر
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الفيل
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been

    سورة الفلق
    The Zshare file hosting providing website had been shut down many few years ago. The new zShare website is a news blog that publishes the latest trending news on the web. So what happened to the old Zshare? As the new owner of the domain zshare.net, I honestly don’t know. The domain had not been


    للي عاوز يكسب اجر وحسنات

    اعملوا نسخ ولصق بمنتديات اخرى ولكم الاجر في نشرها

    وجزاكم الله خيرا
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة جندي VIP; 8/10/2007, 02:53 AM. سبب آخر: لا تنس ان تنقل الموضوع لمواقع اخرى

  • #2
    رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من النوادر

    مفش حدا بحب البراك ؟.


    • #3
      رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من النوادر


      • #4
        رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من النوادر

        انت كاتب المرحوم محمد البراك

        متى توفي وكيف بالله عليك


        • #5
          رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من النوادر


          • #6
            رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من النوادر

            ما حدا بحب البراااااااااااااااك


            • #7
              رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من ال

              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة جندي VIP مشاهدة المشاركة

              ما حدا بحب البراااااااااااااااك

              حرام عليك البراك اجمل صوت في الدنيا


              • #8
                رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من ال

                بارك الله فيك


                • #9
                  رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من ال

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة جندي VIP مشاهدة المشاركة

                  مفش حدا بحب البراك ؟.

                  لا كيف طيب احلى صوت صوت محمد البراك وهو طفل لما كان يقرأ القرآن كنت أنجذب لصوته
                  ماشاءالله تبارك الله
                  بارك الله فيك على مجهودك


                  • #10
                    رد : سور من القران الكريم للبراك..تكملة سلسلة لتلاوات خاشعة كما وعدتكم،، والله من ال

                    جزاك الله خير
                    جعله االله من موازين حسناتك


                    جاري التحميل ..