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خطبه عن الجهاد في سبيل الله مكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية

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  • خطبه عن الجهاد في سبيل الله مكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية

    In the name of God the Merciful
    Praise be to Allah who made the Jihad in the process of the pinnacle of Islam, praise Him Almighty thank a lot all the time, and I thank him consecutive over the nights and days, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, Imam of the pious and the commander of preachers and fighters, he was sent guidance and the religion of truth; reached and called people and warned, and advised and labored, and patience, and Saber, was his whole life in the invitation and Jihad, may Allah bless him and bless him and his family and companions who have made their money and their lives in jihad for the sake of Allah, may Allaah be pleased with them and satisfied them, and carried the banner of Jihad in released after them until Judgement Day.
    Dear Muslims: "Fear God, the Almighty.
    Servants of Allah: the wisdom of Almighty God tests His servants in this life, the existence of right and wrong, good and evil, faith and disbelief, and enacted further to make these contradictions in the perpetual conflict and contrast constantly, so Preventing corruption and curb the tyranny of evil and the air, and keep faith, justice and goodness the need of the necessities of human life, which is possible and it is a reality; only to carry the banner of jihad for the sake of God, and raise the brigade to uphold the Word of God.
    Brothers of faith: that the jihad for Allah pinnacle of Islam, and rank at the top of people of faith, its above the floor and Taiz nation, and protect the egg, and maintained privacy, and protect the home, and expel the enemy, and weakens the mortal, jihad is the adoption of the right to redress, and are of oppression and injustice and tyranny , is struggling evil and maliciousness and aggression.

    Jihad for the sake of God: Almngep is trade, and the deal of winning and the goods are promising, having dedicated family houses lift it, and place the greatest, and highest grades, they incline in the world and the Hereafter.

    Nation of Islam: I've had Jihad in this religion of care and attention, you will find dozens of verses and hadiths Right Honourable urges jihad and you want it, and show what his family of their pay and reward in the Hereafter, honor and victory in this world, which is obvious to anyone with eyes.

    As a stern warning issued to those who struck at the world, and Tthagulwa to the ground, and disrupted the ritual, in Saheeh Muslim from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (who died did not invade, and there was the same invasion dies on a branch of hypocrisy) and narrated by Abu Dawood, attribution is true of Abu Umaamah may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet peace be upon him said: (Who did not invade or did not prepare a gas or breaks an invader in his family is fine; a beating before the Day of Judgement) and that, O Servants of Allah ! But what caused left this duty from the domination of the enemies and their control in the nation, kill their children, and Ermlon widows, orphaned children, and occupy their homes, and take home an assault, not watching where only no edema, not caring where the covenant is inviolable Afeem humiliation and prevail humiliation, God Almighty says: ((Glory be to God, His Prophet and the believers)) [hypocrites: 8]

  • #2
    رد : خطبه عن الجهاد في سبيل الله مكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية

    The following: -
    Servants of Allah: "Fear God and know that the Jihad in Islam horizon widely and range widely, which in several ways: self-esteem and the heart and the heavens, and call and say the statement, and the sword and the hand and spear, and money and pen and tongue, and the example of good and sound education, which, as said Ibn al-Qayyim Allah's mercy on four places:

    Jihad self-beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds, which is the starting point of the jihad of the enemy.

    Jihad Devil to pay the cast of desires and suspicions.

    Jihad infidels.

    Jihad against the hypocrites.

    And the duty of every Muslim to strive type of this species to the extent possible, and to accustom himself and prepared by setting the moral and gun fight in the way of Allah, you will not be returned stolen rights, and homes Amosobp only this, that, although a long night of darkness, and successive trials and tribulations and pain; it holds with it the dawn rays of a bright tomorrow, God willing, Be as one with your brothers the Mujahideen in the name of Allah on the land of Afghanistan and other parts of the Muslims.

    As we recall the struggle of our brothers in the land of the Afghans, we do not forget the Muslims, the major cause of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first kiss and draw Messenger guidance peace be upon him, but do not forget the struggle of our brothers persecuted in their religion, and Muslim minorities everywhere, and victims of drought and famine in African countries , and we urge their help and helping them, and it is preferred to God for this blessed country government and people stand with the mujahideen in Afghanistan, and support for the rights of fair everywhere, they have positions good and noble sentiment, and moral and material support as witnessed by the enemy before the friend, and that grace should speak and thanks, and make more by the Almighty said: ((and those who fought us a gift of God and that those who do good work)) [Spider: 69].

    Not arrived and handed over - may Allaah have mercy - the Imam of the Mujahideen, and the Messenger of Allah, you as God in prayer and peace be upon him said: ((Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe! Arrived and handed him recognition)) [parties: 56] Allah bless him and bless upon our Prophet and we have our ideal and Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, O land of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and the companions and followers, and followed them until the day of religion.
    O dearest Islam and Muslims, and the Apostles and the polytheists, communists and atheists, God is safe in our homes, and fix our imams and the governors of our issues.

    Oh God, according to our imam Btoviqk, supported by Ptoiiedk, and Ely of your religion, God according to our imam Btoviqk, supported by Ptoiiedk and Ely of your religion, God concluded for this nation is of guidance where the people of your obedience, and humiliate the people of sin, ordered by the good and forbid the evil, O Hearer of Prayer!

    Approved the goodness of God in mind the conditions of Muslims in every place, O Lord! Unless we insist our brothers the Mujahideen everywhere, unless we insist our brothers the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, God hurry its victory, O Link to their hearts, and the whole word, and the earthquake the ground under the feet of powerful enemies, O dear! Unless I flag of jihad, and the people Quell aberration and infidelity, you are near and Responsive pray, O Lord of the Worlds !......

    Sermon of Sheikh: Abdul Rahman Al Sudais


    • #3
      رد : خطبه عن الجهاد في سبيل الله مكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية

      thanks that it mofeed+


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