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Dua for ghazi Mavi Marmara

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • Dua for ghazi Mavi Marmara


    31,05,2010 Day Zionist Israeli offensive by Mavi Marmara ship in the attack before the martyrs as the news came, then living but brain seriously injured for the state that are critical Ugur Suleyman Soylemez our brothers case is still seriously remains. Ankara Ataturk is lying in hospital for our brothers Let us pray.

    Zionist Israel's no law without knowing attacking Mavi Marmara ships in and Gaza to his brother hope to being as enthusiastically set out with Ugur Suleyman Soylemez brothers, our attack after brain seriously injured and another period of Zionist gangs hospital stay in after a private plane in Ankara Ataturk Hospital were brought.

    Brain surgery is still the same hospital in intensive care at the main branch of science is not to say that his brother Suleyman Ugur seriousness of our situation holds. Allah swt. give the brother and wish speedy recovery.

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