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Allah be with u Palestina

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  • Allah be with u Palestina

    El salam alei kom

    - this words are not from my head or from my dreams this is treu end i cannot typ lie's end lie on my self
    - i gonna tel u about whot i saw

    the war start's with the christ against the muslims in 1976

    Jihad el Guel End his big brother Rasem El Guel they are the commanders of force 17 from fatah in lebanon beirut Place Borj el Barajni behind a school el Amlia

    - The war started in 1975 with the christ's against the palestinian´s
    -The war started because the christ´s commited a Massacre in the Bus place Ein El romani then the war started with the christ's against the palestinians

    - then the palestinians come out of the palestinian camp with they weapon's end fatah force 17 yasser arafat
    - el jabha el shabieji le tahrier filistine
    -el jabha el shabieji el kijadi el ama ahmad jibriel
    - el saika the leader of them is zoher mehsen

    *** Jihad el Guel End his brother Rasem El Guel End El kijadi el ama ,,commando's of el saika they steel lots of things in a hour exact in a hour they steel realy al lot of things they steeled almost 40Miljoin lera lebanie means that is almost 12Miljoin dollar this is only in the place hara hureik behind the churge
    - afther a month they atacked a hotel holyday en , end hotel hilton, end the streets of the rich people, flat alpha do u know whot that is ????er is in the flat thousands tonn kimaash this more then 100miljoin dollarj

    -el jabha el shabieji le tahrier filistine is the only one who did not steel because if u steel they execute u directely with a bullet.

    but by the others the smarts one who steels more he recive more..
    this is one.

    -i was in el jabha el shabieji le tahrier filistine from 1975 to 1978

    PFLP - el jabha el shabieji le tahrier filistine

    this is whot i saw end heared wallah this is whot happend aksom billah

    -el jabha el shabieji le tahrier filistine did yesterday in gaza a party for gasaan kanafani he was a big one in the politic they killed him in lebanon from 30 years old, that was al a lie they even dont know him they lie to the people who not realy smart end wil believe them the prove el jabha el shabieji le tahrier filistine PFLP they wanted to execute Younis ahmad Younis alot of people knowed him they execute him Abo ahmad Younis this men he was under george habas el kijadi el markaziji they sayed a lie on him whot he did not do end he even dont know about it one was killed end she sayed that he killed him but he did not do that Oddo Maktab El Sijasi Lel jebha they execute him but he did not do any thing he was not gulity,who killed that men 2 people they killed him the name's of them are ahmad hussein end the other was abu el omarein abu el omarein is living in Great Britain he escaped from lebanon to great brittain in 1978 Abo ahmad Younis he was in a small room number 5 ahmad hussein number 1

    - this is the treu
    - 6 months til they ghet the answer to execute him 2 tims in the week six hours each day
    - george habas dont want to execute him they where 27 people i forgot lot's of name's but whot i stil know

    - abo maher el jamani
    - abo ahmad fouad
    - salah salah
    - thesier kobaa
    - abo ali mustafa the men who killed on a israelian rocket
    - bassam abu sharif

    this people want to execute him

    George habbas el asier el fhilistini malouh

    - abou tajib dont want to execute
    sorry i forgot lots of names like the other's

    who was punishing abo ahmad younis who did that was oddo rabita his name was abo saliem end the other was abo walid he was a small leader in el jabha el shabieji le tahrier filistine
    when they sayd to abo ahmoud younis from where did u ghet 1 mercedes model 1978 a white one end a other car peugot 504 green one that was the investigation from them !

    Wallah El azhiem if u knowed abo ahmad younis u cry about him blood who from u know ahmad abo younis or heared about him i have respect For malouh el assier Filistini

    i have stil a lot of things about this like shames of them alot realy a lot!!

    El salam alei kom End be with my. For al qassam
    for the forum
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